
FESS ( Functional-Endoscopic-Sinus-Surgery)

A severe chronic or recurrent sinus infection can be treated with functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), a long-term minimally invasive procedure. We are among the top hospitals for FESS and other comparable ENT treatments needed to treat sinusitis successfully and safely.

Best FESS treatment centers in India

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is a sophisticated sinus procedure that requires cutting-edge equipment and skilled ENT professionals to be carried out properly. Doxtreat has both, having ties to the top ENT clinics in India and a staff of highly skilled ENT surgeons with more than ten years of experience performing USFDA-approved sophisticated operations like FESS.

Doxtreat also offers several ENT Clinics in all major Indian cities, where ENT specialists may offer professional advice on sinus problems, hearing problems, and other ear, nose, and throat conditions.

What happens during surgical sinusitis treatment?

Diagnosis : Because of its specific symptoms, such as postnasal drip, face heaviness, discomfort and swelling around the eyes, cheeks, nose, and forehead, blocked nose, etc., sinusitis is typically extremely obvious and simple to diagnose. Nonetheless, a thorough diagnosis is required to decide on a treatment strategy, particularly if the patient is not significantly improving with medical therapy.

Common sinusitis diagnostic procedures include:

  1. Nasal endoscopy
  2. Lab analysis of nasal and sinus discharge
  3. Imaging tests like CT scan, X-ray, etc.
  4. These tests assist in identifying the root of the sinus infection and whether the patient has nasal polyps or a deviated nasal septum that may be aggravating their symptoms.

Before the operation, you should speak with your ENT surgeon about your condition to see if you require FESS alone or other procedures like septoplasty, turbinate reduction, etc. for effective long-term treatment.

Most patients are released from the hospital the same day as the surgery, and the procedure typically takes around 2 hours. To lessen the likelihood of the patient experiencing difficulties from the anaesthetic, it is often carried out under local anaesthetic.

The surgeon places a nasal endoscope into the patient’s nose after giving them anaesthesia. The endoscope contains a light, camera, and surgical tools attached to it to aid in the surgeon’s ability to see the operating area clearly and carry out the procedure. After removing all of the sick and infected bone, cartilage tissue, polyps, etc. that were obstructing the sinuses, the incision is stitched up and packed within the nose.

How to prepare for Functional Endoscopic Surgery?

To prepare for sinus surgery and prevent surgical- and post-surgical-related sinus issues, you should adhere to the offered instructions:

  • Get a complete diagnosis. A correct diagnosis will help you determine whether you need an extra operation in addition to FESS as people with chronic sinus issues frequently have a deviated nasal septum or enlarged turbinates.
  • If you have any sinus troubles, you should cease smoking at least three weeks prior to the procedure since it frequently exacerbates sinus problems and hinders the healing process.
  • You should stop taking aspirin around 10 days before to surgery as it might increase the risk of bleeding during the procedure.
  • Ask your doctor what sort of anaesthetic will be used during your procedure and what precautions you need to take.
  • Make sure someone who can drive you home afterward is with you. Also, before the operation, acquire your doctor’s clearance and ask them what medications you should take if you have any systemic health issues.
  • Plan some time off of work as soon as possible following the procedure because you won’t be able to work for at least 2-3 days.
  • Make sure your child is comfortable throughout the procedure if they are having sinus surgery, and plan for them to miss at least one week of school so they can recover at home.

What to expect after a FESS operation?

After surgery, the patient is sent to a recovery room for observation; in serious circumstances, you can be held overnight, but the majority of patients are released the same day. During two to three weeks, you can have some minor pain and discomfort as well as nasal congestion and discharge. To ensure a smooth recovery during this time, you must adhere to your surgeon’s instructions and take your prescribed medications consistently.

During a week, you can return to work, school, and other responsibilities. The majority of patients can even resume their regular routines in three weeks. For those who work physically demanding jobs, this time frame may be increased by one to two months. In order to guarantee that there are no difficulties during recovery, you should see your ENT surgeon for postoperative consultations for at least 3 to 4 months.

Recovery after Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

You can use the advice provided to speed up your recovery from FESS:

  • Use more pillows to elevate your head to lessen bleeding and edoema following surgery, especially in the first 24 hours.
  • Ensure sure your packing material or nasal splint is not loose. If your nose feels too congested but you cannot remove the splint/tissue packing, breathe through your lips.
  • In the event that there is excessive bleeding or discharge from the surgical site, get in touch with your ENT surgeon very once.
  • During at least one week following surgery, refrain from coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose. If you must sneeze, attempt to do it via your mouth.
  • During two to three weeks, refrain from engaging in any vigorous activity without your ENT surgeon’s permission.
  • Take medication as directed by your doctor, paying particular attention to anti-inflammatory and antibiotic medications to prevent infection and swelling around the surgery site.
  • Consistently schedule follow-up appointments with your doctor to ensure that your recovery is proceeding without any issues.

Frequently Asked Questions of Sinus Surgery

FESS—Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery—is it secure?

FESS is a minimally invasive sinus surgery, meaning that just a little amount of tissue is removed. Even in severe situations, Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) has an 80–90% success rate, and it is widely regarded as a fairly safe surgery even for children.

Despite FESS, is sinusitis reversible?

Certainly, sinusitis can return even after surgery, but the chances are very low—generally less than 4%—and the symptoms will usually go away on their own. Even if the patient develops sinusitis once more, surgery can be simply done to offer relief.

Would having my sinuses operated on enhance my sense of smell?

Absolutely, most patients report an improvement in their sense of smell (and, in some circumstances, taste) following sinus surgery because oxygenated air is delivered to these tissues more effectively.

Do health insurance policies cover FESS?

Most major insurance companies often fund FESS since it is medically required to treat chronic sinusitis. The conditions of the policy, however, determine the scope of the coverage.

Why would a septoplasty be necessary for sinusitis treatment?

When a patient has a deviated nasal septum, septoplasty may be necessary in addition to FESS since this condition causes germs to build up and travel throughout the body, which increases the risk of sinusitis returning following surgery.
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